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In the field of mechanical design, Computer-Aided Design tools (CAD), despite being helpful for the designers to perform their tasks, do not allow to perceive some problems which only happen during the physical assembly. Handling the physical props of ESKUA lead to take into account assembly constraints from the beginning of the design phase and especially during the phase of CAD model manipulation. The use of ESKUA leads the designer to have a physical perception of the assembly constraints during the "digital" phase of design on computers.

Reference publication:

[5] Garreau, L., Legardeur, J., Couture, N., "Une plateforme basée sur les interfaces tangibles pour l'assemblage en CFAO", In Revue internationale d'ingénierie numérique (RIIN'05), "Interaction Homme-Machine et CAO", vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 133-148, 2005.


Communauté d'Agglomération Bayonne-Anglet-Biarritz





8 results
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[1]Garreau, L., Couture, N., "Study of Tangible User Interface for handling tridimensionnal Objects", In Workshop on Real World User Interfaces, Udine, Italy, pp. pp. 64-68, 2003.