Tangible interaction is a research field addressing areas at the border of the physical and the digital. For many years, researchers, designers, practitioners and artists around the world have worked on the theoretical and empirical foundations, technical frameworks, the realization of prototypes and the design of interfaces. However, there is a high potential for future work, and the European community could be more active on an international level. The aim of this meeting is to gather young European researchers in this field, to get them in touch with internationally renowned researchers and to establish networks for their academic future. Please note that this meeting is a training school dedicated for formation.
- ETIS 2022: Fifth European Tangible Interaction Studio
November 7-10, 2022, Toulouse, France
Steering Committee:
- Prof. Nadine Couture (ESTIA Recherche, LaBRI, France)
- Prof. Elena Mugellini (HES-SO, HumanTech, Italy)
- Anke Brock (ENAC, University of Toulouse, France)
- Catherine Letondal (ENAC, University of Toulouse, France)
- ETIS 2020: Fourth European Tangible Interaction Studio
December 16-20, 2020, Sienna, Italy
Steering Committee:
- Prof. Nadine Couture (ESTIA Recherche, LaBRI, France)
- Prof. Elena Mugellini (HES-SO, HumanTech, Italy)
- Prof. Patrizia Marti (University of Siena, Italy)
- Dr. Annamaria Recupero (University of Siena, Italy)
- ETIS 2017: Third European Tangible Interaction Studio
June 19-23, 2017, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Steering Committee:
- Prof. Nadine Couture (ESTIA Recherche, LaBRI, France)
- Prof. Elena Mugellini (HES-SO, HumanTech, Switzerland)
- Prof. Jens Geelhaar (Bauhaus Univ. Weimar, Germany)
- Dr. Dimitra Anastasiou (LIST, Luxembourg)
- Dr. Valérie Maquil (LIST, Luxembourg)
- Prof. Jürgen Steimle (Saarland University, Germany)
- ETIS 2016: Second European Tangible Interaction Studio
January 25-29, 2016, Fribourg, Switzerland
Steering Committee:
- Prof. Nadine Couture (ESTIA Recherche, LaBRI, France)
- Prof. Elena Mugellini (HES-SO, HumanTech, Italy)
- Prof. Eva Hornecker (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany)
- FGTIS 2013: First French German Tangible Interaction Studio
August 25-21, 2013, Bidart, France
Steering Committee:
- Prof. Nadine Couture (ESTIA, LaBRI, France)
- Prof. Jens Geelhaar (Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany)
- Dr. Habakuk Israel (Fraunhofer, Germany)
- Prof. Elena Mugellini (HumanTech, HES-SO, Switzerland)
Poster (English, 1.9 MB)
Participants (English, 70 KB)