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We propose the concept of an interactive table for learning and education, designed for young children who cannot yet read. This environment would offer three activities: drawing, planning the path of a robot (or a turtle) and music scores. Removable panels would cover the table top at specific locations. These panels would be pre-cut and would materialize the physical locations of detection and activation of the "Cartouches" (Cartridges). The panel on the right would have three slots to accommodate three basic operations specifying the activity, the user and a color. This panel would also have two physical buttons: validate and restore. A second panel at the bottom of the tabletop would provide a ramp to accommodate a succession of "Cartouches". The free space on the left could accommodate three "Cartouches" representing specific operations for the current application.



1 result
[1]Rivière, G., Borgiel, K., Couture, N., "Les Cartouches, un concept d'interfaces tangibles, appliquées à l'apprentissage des jeunes enfants", In EIAH 2011, 5e édition de la conférence Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Mons, Belgium, 8 pages, 2011.