All the publications since 2003: 71 bibliographical references
Publications on design methodology: 7 bibliographical references
Build your own Hercules
Helping visitors personalize their museum experience
Synopsis page
8 bibliographical references
Display renewable energy production forecasts for public spaces
Synopsis page
12 bibliographical references
Revealing Flashlight
Geometric inspection of surface reliefs of physical objects
Link two distant spaces by an interactive window
Synopsis page
4 bibliographical references
Mechanical simulation for hypothesis validation in archaeology
Synopsis page
2 bibliographical references
Raising awareness of renewable energies
Synopsis page
1 bibliographical reference
Assemble or Distort 3D archaeological pieces
Synopsis page
7 bibliographical references
Navigation to validate hypotheses in geoscience
Synopsis page
7 bibliographical references
Verify the assembly procedure during mechanical design's upstream phases
Synopsis page
8 bibliographical references
Touch screens in relief to interact in the cockpit
Synopsis page
1 bibliographical reference
Cartouches éducatives
Activities for children's learning
Synopsis page
1 bibliographical reference
Tribal Tangible Tabletop
Building 3D simulations when selling a pool
Synopsis page
1 bibliographical reference
Funded projects
- ePsyCHI — French national research agency (2022-2026)
Engineering digital behaviour change intervention: from Psychological theories to Computer–Human Interaction
Leader : Yann Laurillau (IIHM, LIG, UGA)
- GUIDONS–NoPrÉn — Regional council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (2021-2023)
Guiding Towards New Energy Practices through Data: Tangible Interfaces deployed in Public Spaces
Leader : Guillaume Rivière (ESTIA Recherche, LaBRI)
- DieT-PrimE — French national research agency (2018-2021)
3D topography of dental tools: mechanical properties of food and morpho-functional evolution of primate teeth
Leader : Vincent Lazzari (Univ. Poitiers)
- ITAME — Regional council of Aquitaine (2015-2018)
Tangible Interfaces as an Aid to Energy Control
Leader : Guillaume Rivière (ESTIA Recherche, LaBRI)
- SeARCH — French national research agency (2009-2012)
Semi-Automatic Acquisition and Reassembly of Cultural Heritage
Leader : Patrick Reuter (INRIA, LaBRI)
Main work
- Ph.D. thesis of Maxime Daniel
University of Bordeaux, defended on November 19, 2018Afficheurs cylindriques à changement de forme : application à la physicalisation des données et l'interaction périphérique pour la gestion de la demande de l'énergie (94 Mio) (NNT 2018BORD0236)
- Research-Supervisor Accreditation thesis of Patrick Reuter
University of Bordeaux, defended on March 21, 2018
Towards user-integrated surface exploration and manipulation in 3D - Research-Supervisor Accreditation thesis of Nadine Couture
University Bordeaux 1, defended on December 14, 2010Interaction Tangible, de l'incarnation physique des données vers l'interaction avec tout le corps (2.1 Mio)
- Ph.D. thesis of Guillaume Rivière
University Bordeaux 1, defended on September 9, 2009Interaction Tangible sur Table Interactive : application aux géosciences (9.1 Mio) (NNT 2009BOR13837)
- Ph.D. thesis of Ludovic Garreau
University Bordeaux 1, defended on September 12, 2005Élaboration d'une interface tangible pour l'assemblage en CAO (7.7 Mio) (NNT 2005BOR13013)
- M.Sc. thesis of Guillaume Rivière
University Bordeaux 1, defended on June 14, 2005Étude de faisabilité d'une TUI pour la validation d'hypothèses en Géoscience (1 Mio)
- Summer schools « European Tangible Interaction Studio » (since 2013)
- Work group « WG AFIHM TANGIBLE » (2011–2018)